Booking made easy
Step 1:
Download wHydrate App
Step 2:
Login if you already have an account
(If you do not have an account, skip to step 3)
Step 3:
Book a service of your choice!
Step 4:
Choose whether to pay now or later!
See previous invoices
Step 1:
Login to the wHydrate App
(This feature is only available if you have an account)
Step 2:
Click three lines in top left of App
(the app’s main menu)
Step 3:
Click Purchase History to view previous Invoices

Track your wHyBucks
Step 1:
Login to the wHydrate App
(This feature is only available if you have an account)
Step 2:
Click three lines in top left of App
(the app’s main menu)
Step 3:
Click Reward Program
Step 4:
You can view your wHyBucks balance and how many points you have redeemed in the last 30 days.